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                                    Contact Information Update

                                    Please complete this form to ensure your membership record is complete and accurate.
                                    Campus Recreation is sending critical membership updates via email.

                                    Tulane University recently released a comprehensive plan identifying measures necessary to support the health and safety of the Tulane community when we return to campus this fall for on-ground teaching, learning, living and working. This plan will require significant modifications to our normal operations. These changes are necessary in order to protect the health of the members of our academic community, as well as the health of our neighbors. To safely fulfill this mission, Campus Recreation must, regrettably, limit Reily Student Recreation Center membership and access to Tulane University affiliates only. These changes affect the following membership types (click links for detailed information): Community Memberships, 西风vpn好用下载, and 西风vpn好用下载. 

                                    We invite you to participate in the multiple Virtual Activities we are offering. New instructional videos, healthy recipes, virtual group exercise classes, and other activities are added weekly to our YouTube channel, social media feeds, and website. 

                                    Visit the Campus Recreation Coronavirus FAQ page for more details:  http://campusrecreation.tulane.edu/home/coronavirus-faq For Tulane University information, please visit Tulane's Emergency Preparedness website at http://tulane.edu/emergency






                                    As we reopen, there will be some changes to our operations. To manage capacity numbers during this reopening period, we are introducing a new reservation system. All patrons will be required to make a reservation in order to enter the facility. Both a reservation and a valid membership are required for entry. 

                                    We invite you to participate in the multiple Virtual Activities we are offering. We update our YouTube channel, social media accounts, and website weekly with new instructional videos, healthy recipes, virtual group exercise, and other activities. We will continue to communicate updates related to business resumption on our website, social media accounts, mobile app, and via email. If you have not done so, please sign up to receive our email alerts. 

                                    We look forward to serving our members again! For University response information, please visit Tulane's Emergency Preparedness website at http://tulane.edu/emergency




                                    1. Enter the facility only if: 

                                    • You have been free of a temperature for at least 48 hours
                                    • You have not been in close contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19
                                    • You are not experiencing a cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, or other symptoms related to COVID-19

                                    2. You must wear a face covering at all times within the Reily Center, including during any physical activity.

                                    3. Keep your hands washed/santized before, during, and after using the Reily Student Recreation Center.

                                    4. Maintain a distance of at least 6 feet from other members and employees when walking throughout the gym and at least 10 feet while participating in physical activity. 

                                    5. Limit the items you touch within the gym to only the items you will use.

                                    6. Clean each piece of equipment you use with provided disinfectant wipes before and after use.

                                    7. Pre-plan your workout routine to avoid lingering/socializing to allow other members to work out due to reduced occupancy/distancing.

                                    8. Follow guidelines posted throughout the facility.

                                    9. Follow the instructions of Reily Student Recreation Center employees. 


                                    Q: Who can access the facility? 

                                    A: To support the health and safety of the Tulane community, Campus Recreation must, regrettably, limit Reily Student Recreation Center membership and access to Tulane University affiliates only. Campus Recreation defines Tulane affiliates as: Tulane University Students, Tulane University Employees, Tulane University Alumni, Tulane University Emeritus, and additional members of the aforementioned affiliate groups with proof of shared residence and financial codependency (Family memberships only. This does not apply for the Early Bird pass). These changes affect the following membership types: Community Memberships, Early Bird Passholders, and Silver Sneakers Passholders. 

                                    Q: When can I buy a new membership?

                                    A: New membership sales must be made online and will be available beginning Wednesday, August 19. There will be no cash sales, and no purchases can be made in the facility. To purchase a membership, visit our 西风vpn好用下载 

                                    Q: Can I purchase a Guest Pass?

                                    A: No. Campus Recreation is not selling Guest Passes at this time. 

                                    Q: Can former Silver Sneakers passholders who are Tulane affiliates access the facility?

                                    A: The Silver Sneakers pass will no longer be accepted, even for Tulane affiliates. Affiliates can purchase the appropriate membership (Faculty & Staff, Alumni, or Emeritus) when membership sales resume.

                                    Q: Why are you conducting sales online as opposed to in person?

                                    A: Research has shown that COVID-19 spreads mainly through close contact from person to person, typically through respiratory droplets from coughing, sneezing, or talking. Some people without symptoms may be able to spread the virus. Campus Recreation is dedicated to the health and safety of our members, as well as our staff. The CDC recommends that the best way to prevent illness is to avoid being exposed to the virus. To reduce the possibility of infection, we have suspended in-person transactions at this time. 

                                    Q: I am having trouble accessing my account online. How can I receive assistance? 

                                    A: Call the Member Services desk at 504-865-5431, or reach out directly to:

                                    • Deonté Screven, Membership Coordinator: dscreven@tulane.edu; 504-865-5375
                                    • Michele Garon, Assistant Director of Business Operations: 西风vpn好用下载; 504-314-2869



                                    Q: What changes can I expect to facility check-in procedures?

                                    A: Upon reopening, many of our processes will be altered to adhere to safety guidelines set forth by the City of New Orleans and Tulane University. Most notably, all members will need to reserve a time to access the facility. Reservations can be made in 50-minute increments at designated times. Please plan for longer than normal wait times during the check-in process. 

                                    Q: How do I make or cancel a reservation?

                                    A. If you are reserving a court (badminton, racquetball, tennis, or ping pong), visit our Reserve a Court page. If you are reserving access to strength or cardio space, or are reserving a place in a group exercise class, visit our Reserve a Workout page.

                                    If you are requesting a group reservation for your registered student organization, visit our Facility Reservation Request page.

                                    NOTE: If you can no longer visit the facility at the time you registered for, you must cancel your reservation. No-shows may have reservation privileges revoked.

                                    Q: Why do I need a reservation?

                                    齐鲁晚报:2021-7-22 · 《齐鲁晚报》(电子版)的一切内容(包括但不限于文字、图片、PDF、图表、标志、标识、商标、版面设计、专栏目录与名称、内容分类标准伍及为读者提供的任何信息)仅供齐鲁晚报的报、网、端、微等载体读者阅读、学习研究使用,未经本单位书面授权,任何单位及个人不得将《齐鲁晚报》(电子 ...

                                    Q: What new policies and procedures should I be aware of?

                                    A: Members are asked to bring their own water bottle, workout towel, member identification, equipment (i.e, yoga mat, tennis racket, etc.), and face covering. A face covering is required in the facility at all times, even when exercising.

                                    Members should not have a temperature of 100 degrees or more, show common symptoms of COVID-19, or have been exposed to COVID-19 in the last 14 days. We have some great virtual options for those unable to enter our facility until symptoms have passed. 

                                    For a full list of updated COVID-19 specific policies, please refer to our new Member Code of Conduct above. 

                                    Q: What do I need to know about exercising with a face covering?

                                    A: Please see the following recommendations for exercising while wearing a face covering:

                                    • Pick the Right Face Covering for You: For repeated use, cloth face coverings are a very good option during exercise. Disposable face coverings were not developed for environments where the user is sweating and may collect more moisture, thus restricting airflow. Experiment with different face coverings to find the best one for your workout.
                                    • Take it Slow to Start: Monitor the intensity of your workout when you first return to exercising with a face covering. It may take several workouts before you are training at your regular exercise intensity while wearing a face covering. Even those who have a relatively high level of fitness should expect to fatigue faster when exercising with a face covering.
                                    • Take a Break If Needed: If you begin to feel short of breath, lightheaded, or dizzy - slow down, reduce your intensity, and/or stop exercising until these symptoms go away.
                                    • Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water before, during, and after your workout to prevent dehydration and fatigue. This may require you to slow down or take a break from activity so you safely remove and replace your face covering.
                                    • Bring a Backup: Exercisers may want to bring multiple face coverings per workout if they find their face covering is collecting a lot of moisture.
                                    • Wash before Reusing: Wash your face covering after every workout, and do not reuse face coverings designed for a single use.

                                    Q: How will social distancing work in the Reily Center?

                                    A: In all cardio areas, equipment has been spread out, allowing for a minimum of 10 feet between each patron. Some cardio machines have been marked offline.

                                    Because each piece of strength equipment is unique, all strength equipment in the weight room will be available. However, everyone must still maintain a minimum of 10 feet between each person. A good rule of thumb is to allow two pieces of equipment in between each user and rotate between sets. We will have staff monitoring the facility and enforcing this ten foot distancing.

                                    No more than two individuals at a time will be allowed on a tennis court, on a badminton court, or at a ping pong table. No more than one individual at a time will be allowed in a racquetball court. 

                                    Q: What areas are currently offline?

                                    A: The following areas and services pose challenges to both manage social distancing and meet safe expectations for sanitization: Track, Locker Room, Pool, Cycling Studio, Squash Court, and Equipment Check Out (including towel service). Therefore, all of these areas and services will be offline upon reopening.

                                    In addition, the following areas are being utilized for academic classes or other functions during COVID-19 and will be offline for drop-in use: Diboll Mind/Body Studios (Mind/Body classes will take place in the Auxilary Gym), Riverside/Boxing Studio (this has become the new cycling studio), and Basketball Courts (utilized for organized activities only). 

                                    Q: Why are the locker rooms closed?

                                    A: Given the issues that can be associated with close contact in confined spaces, our locker rooms will remain closed until further notice. Complimentary day use lockers located outside of the locker room are available to store your personal belongings. Access to restrooms in these spaces are still available for use.

                                    Q: I pay for a long-term locker. Will I be charged? How can I retrieve my belongings?

                                    A: All existing locker reservations have been canceled. We will contact patrons who had existing locker reservations prior to the closure and offer them the opportunity to reserve the same locker before it becomes available for rental. Items belonging to patrons who opt not to reestablish their locker reservation will be bagged and stored for 30 days after the facility reopens. If you would like to retrieve your belongings, please contact sleitch@tulane.edu to make an appointment.

                                    Q: What is expected of me? 

                                    A: When using shared equipment and spaces, it is essential to consider all other users. Members are required to wipe down all machines and equipment before and after use and wear a face covering at all time, 西风vpn好用下载. Members must stay home if they are sick. You are required to follow all posted instructions while inside our facility. Please help keep each other healthy.

                                    Q. What precautions are taken to ensure my safety?

                                    A. In addition to each user being required to wipe down each machine before and after use, the Reily Center will close midday for a deep clean from 2-4 pm. The Reily Center will also undergo a deep clean after closing each night. Additionally, a sanitation team will sweep the building top to bottom every other hour, making sure to hit high touchpoints.

                                    红豆博客:2 天前 · 伟人也讲“东风” “西风 ”。 得饶人处且饶人 物质丰盛时的节俭——《道德经》第五十九 .. 日排行 周排行 月排行 总排行 缘 彩臣乐乐 舞台因有节目而精彩 千叶花开 千叶花开的博客 ...

                                    A: Please see our facility hours of operation page for the most up to date information.

                                    红豆博客:2 天前 · 伟人也讲“东风” “西风 ”。 得饶人处且饶人 物质丰盛时的节俭——《道德经》第五十九 .. 日排行 周排行 月排行 总排行 缘 彩臣乐乐 舞台因有节目而精彩 千叶花开 千叶花开的博客 ...

                                    A: The University's resource page is continually updated with the most current information regarding Tulane's response. Tulane students, faculty, and staff should also monitor their Tulane emails for any university communication. 



                                    Q: Will Club Sports be operational this Fall?

                                    A:  Yes, but with the following modifications:

                                    Group Size


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                                    • There must be a minimum of 6 feet between each individual at all times.  If this is not possible indoors, then the maximum number of individuals in the room must be decreased until proper social distancing can occur.
                                    • Clubs must submit practice rosters and have a check-in process. This process will be monitored by Club Sport Attendants. 

                                    Pre-Workout Precautions & Hygiene


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                                    • All participants will be required to wear face coverings at all times.
                                    • Individuals will be encouraged to wash their hands for at least 20 seconds before beginning a workout/practice.
                                    • Hand sanitizer will be available at each practice.
                                    • Cleaning supplies will be provided at each practice for equipment cleaning. 
                                    • Students will be encouraged to take rotations and keep appropriate distancing while getting equipment, setting-up, taking down, and storing equipment. 
                                    • Students will be encouraged to shower and wash their workout clothing immediately upon returning home.

                                    Physical Activity and Athletic Equipment


                                    • There should be no shared athletic equipment (towels, clothing, pinnies, shoes, or sports specific equipment, including balls) between students. 
                                    • All students must bring their own water, water bottle, clothing, and towels. 
                                    • Students should wear their own appropriate workout clothing (do not share clothing) individual clothing/towels should be washed and cleaned after every workout.
                                    • Individual drills requiring the use of athletic equipment are permissible, but the equipment should be cleaned prior to use by the next individual. Drills that require contact or sparring between individuals are prohibited at this time. 
                                    • Clubs will be required to submit practice rosters and plans prior to beginning practices explaining how they will meet these guidelines.  

                                    Practice Spaces

                                    • Several practice spaces will be offline, as they present challenges to manage distancing or safe expectations for sanitization. Other spaces are being used for other functions during COVID-19. These spaces include the rowing training room, the cycling training room, the pool, the Riverside Studio, and the Diboll Studio.
                                    • The Main Gym and Auxilary Gym will be available as alternative practice spaces. Brown Field may also have some availabilty for additional use.

                                    These guidelines will be reviewed as the semester progresses and may change as public health conditions evolve.  


                                    Q: Will Club Sports be able to host or attend competitions?

                                    A:  No. External individuals or groups will not be permitted on Tulane’s campus for the purpose of club sport competitions.  Additionally, club travel will be limited to local travel within a 40-mile radius from Tulane’s campus for practice or training purposes only. Organizations or individuals representing themselves as a Tulane competitor will be subject to disciplinary action. For more information about the specific guidelines surrounding your sport, please contact Zach Bracey at 西风vpn好用下载. 

                                    Q: Will Club Sports teams be able to use university funding to join a league or association? If competition is not allowed at this time, should a club sports team join a league or association?

                                    A: Clubs will be allowed to join a league or association. However, we recommend reaching out to your national organization to discuss the feasibility of deferring your membership payments considering the initial limitations on external competition. 

                                    Q: Will a Club Sports team be able to hire a coach? Should a Club Sports team hire a coach? 

                                    A: In the initial phases of reopening, external coaches are not recommended. If you would like to discuss hiring a coach, please contact your advisor, Zach Bracey, at zbracey@tulane.edu. 

                                    Q:  Will we be able to spend money out of our Club 2-Accounts and 9-Accounts?

                                    A:  Yes. You may purchase needed equipment and use the money as allocated in your 2-account for expenses not related to event registration.  However, all travel funding, travel-related expenses, and any game or event-related expenses will be suspended.  

                                    Q: Who can I contact with questions about Club Sports?

                                    A:  Please contact your advisor, Zach Bracey, at zbracey@tulane.edu


                                    齐鲁晚报:2021-7-22 · 《齐鲁晚报》(电子版)的一切内容(包括但不限于文字、图片、PDF、图表、标志、标识、商标、版面设计、专栏目录与名称、内容分类标准伍及为读者提供的任何信息)仅供齐鲁晚报的报、网、端、微等载体读者阅读、学习研究使用,未经本单位书面授权,任何单位及个人不得将《齐鲁晚报》(电子 ...

                                    A:  Yes, with the following modifications:

                                    • In-person Group Exercise classes will begin on August 19, 2023.    
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                                    • Reservations for Group Exercise classes will follow the same process as reservations for facility access. See facility reservations page for more information.
                                    • All cycling classes will take place in the Riverside Studio, and the Auxiliary Gym will become a space for Mind/Body Classes.  
                                    • Participants must bring their own mats for in-person classes when needed.
                                    • All participants and staff will be required to wear face coverings at all times while moving about the facility, including during class activity.  Other safety precautions include asking participants to clean all equipment before and after use and thorough cleaning of Group Exercise studios in between classes.  

                                    Q:  Will virtual Group Exercise Classes continue to be offered?

                                    A:  Yes. We will offer a hybrid Group Exercise schedule of both in-person and virtual class options. Virtual Group Exercise classes will be available via zoom starting August 19, 2023, and links to access the virtual Group Exercise classes will be included on the Group Exercise schedule posted on the Campus Recreation website. 

                                    Q:  Will Personal Training be offered?

                                    A:  Yes, with the following modifications:

                                    • Trainers and clients will be required to wear masks at all times while in the facility, including during exercise activity throughout their training session.
                                    • Trainers and clients will be expected to practice physical distancing and use minimal equipment 
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                                    Q: Will Small Group Training resume?

                                    新民网 - 为民分忧 与民同乐:2 天前 · 新民网是新民晚报官方网站,强势新闻门户,伍上海突发、财经、原创新闻为特色,采用文字、视频、播客、图片、直播等全媒体技术创新报道,另有当日新民晚报数字报纸和新民周刊数字杂志供应。

                                    Q: Will the Employee Health Improvement Program (EHIP) resume?

                                    A: At this time, we do not have a definitive resumption date.  Please continue to check our website for updates and information.

                                    Q:  Who can I contact for more information?

                                    A:  For more information, email fitness@tulane.edu


                                    Q:  Will Intramural Sports be offered in the Fall 2023 Semester?

                                    A:  Yes, with the following modifications:

                                    • A series of non-contact activities will be offered.  For a full schedule visit imleagues.com/tulane. 
                                    • All participants will be required to wear face coverings at all times.
                                    • Individuals must keep a minimum of 6 feet between them at all times.  
                                    • Students should wear their own appropriate workout clothing (no shared towels, clothing, or pinnies). Individual clothing/towels should be washed and cleaned after every workout.
                                    • All students must bring their own water & water bottle.  Water bottles must not be shared. No shared hydration stations.  
                                    • Individual drills requiring the use of athletic equipment are permissible, but the equipment must be cleaned prior to use by the next individual.
                                    • Only students actively participating will be allowed at events. No spectators will be permitted.
                                    • These guidelines will be reviewed as the semester progresses and may change as new information is available.  Continue to check IMLeagues and the Campus Recreation website for updated events!

                                    Q.  Will I have to pay a deposit to participate in Intramural Sports?

                                    A:  No. The forfeit deposit for the Fall 2023 semester will be waived. No deposit will be required.

                                    Q:  Will there still be opportunities for me to win an intramural championship t-shirt?

                                    A:  Yes!  Intramural Sports will still recognize champions with an intramural championship t-shirt.

                                    Q:  Who can I contact with questions about Intramural Sports? 

                                    A:  You can always send us an email at imsports@tulane.edu.

                                    Outdoor Adventures

                                    齐鲁晚报:2021-7-22 · 《齐鲁晚报》(电子版)的一切内容(包括但不限于文字、图片、PDF、图表、标志、标识、商标、版面设计、专栏目录与名称、内容分类标准伍及为读者提供的任何信息)仅供齐鲁晚报的报、网、端、微等载体读者阅读、学习研究使用,未经本单位书面授权,任何单位及个人不得将《齐鲁晚报》(电子 ...

                                    A: Yes! We've put together an awesome schedule of events and trips to help you get off campus and explore our region. Check out our 齐鲁晚报:2021-7-22 · 《齐鲁晚报》(电子版)的一切内容(包括但不限于文字、图片、PDF、图表、标志、标识、商标、版面设计、专栏目录与名称、内容分类标准伍及为读者提供的任何信息)仅供齐鲁晚报的报、网、端、微等载体读者阅读、学习研究使用,未经本单位书面授权,任何单位及个人不得将《齐鲁晚报》(电子 ....  

                                    Q: What types of safety precautions is Outdoor Adventures taking on trips?

                                    A: Outdoor Adventures has put together the following safety precautions:

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                                    • We’ve taken steps to reduce the amount of shared equipment among participants and have implemented a robust gear-cleaning routine. 
                                    • In an effort to maintain appropriate distancing in accordance with university and industry guidelines, we will NOT be offering group transportation this semester. Participants will need to provide their own transportation to each trip or event. We've adjusted prices accordingly.
                                    • All participants and staff will be required to wear face coverings at all times.

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                                    A: Absolutely. Our 红豆博客:2 天前 · 伟人也讲“东风” “西风 ”。 得饶人处且饶人 物质丰盛时的节俭——《道德经》第五十九 .. 日排行 周排行 月排行 总排行 缘 彩臣乐乐 舞台因有节目而精彩 千叶花开 千叶花开的博客 ..., and we can even hook you up with your very own Adventure Consultant or Coach to help you make the most of your DIY adventure (see below).  The following safety precautions will be taken with rental gear:

                                    • You'll be required to reserve and pay for your gear over the phone to minimize interaction with the rental staff. Call 504-314-2861
                                    • Pick-up and drop-off times will be assigned and must be strictly followed.  
                                    • Just as with our trip gear, we've developed a thorough cleaning system that includes both a quarantine and sanitizing process. 

                                    Q: What else is new in Outdoor Adventures?

                                    A:  We're so glad you asked! We've got two new opportunities for you to learn from our Trip Leaders:

                                    • 西风vpn好用下载provided at no extra charge with any gear rental, our staff member will meet with you personally or virtually to help you plan your trip, choose the right gear, and answer any questions you may have.
                                    • Adventure Coach: Just like a personal trainer in the gym, our staff member will provide you with hands-on 1:1 instruction (or 1:2 if you want to bring a friend) in several outdoor activities. Want to learn how to keep your canoe straight? We'll teach you on Bayou St. John. Nervous about your first camping trip? We can help you set up a complete campsite and even cook a meal on a camp stove so you'll feel like a pro. Fees apply for Adventure Coaching sessions.

                                    Q:  Who can I contact with questions about Outdoor Adventures?

                                    A:  You can always send us an email at outdoorrec@tulane.edu.

                                    Swim Lessons

                                    Q: Will Swim Lessons resume?

                                    A: No. All group, private, and partner lessons will remain suspended until further notice.  At this time, we do not have a definitive resumption date for lessons. The pool is undergoing maintenance that was delayed due to COVID-19, and therefore all aquatic programming is suspended until maintenance can be completed. Please continue to check our website for updates and information.